Global Citizenship
Why This Project Matters
Context :
CPS has implemented several annual awareness-raising projects since 2007, co-funded by the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs. In 2016, we started to orient our work more towards development education. In the years 2017 and 2018, we added North-South interdependency aspects as well as proposals for individual action. We want to continue in this direction, relying on the 2030 Agenda and the 17 Sustainable Development Goals.
Development Objective :
The members of the target groups have acquired knowledge about the issues addressed, developed their capacity for analysis and critical thinking, and identified courses of action that they can take on a small scale to become more responsible citizens.
Expected Outcomes :
Activities for schools
- Workshop 'Rural development in Burkina Faso’
- Joint workshop 'Our world, our dignity, our future’
- Joint workshop 'Fantastic Food’
- Joint workshop 'Understanding globalisation'
Activities for the general public
- Organising the ‘Rural development in Burkina Faso’ photo exhibition
- Joint event ‘Zesumme fir d'Agenda 2030’
- Joint event ‘Cinéma du Sud’
- Joint event ‘Marche gourmande alternative’
Target audience
Target audiences are students on the one hand and the general public in Luxembourg on the other.
The total budget is set at € 53.411,98 for the year 2024.
Funding Sources :
- Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs: 80%
How You Can Help
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Our partners are primarily the NGOs of the Groupe Education au Développement (GEDEV).