Strengthening the resilience of smallholders
Why This Project Matters
The difficulties encountered by rural populations in improving their living conditions stem from the poor performance of agro-sylvo-pastoral production in the face of climatic hazards. In addition, access to drinking water is often difficult, and there are recurrent breakdowns in infrastructure, dysfunctional water user associations and a lack of artisan repairers. As far as sanitation is concerned, the main constraint is the lack of family and institutional latrines. There is also a lack of awareness of hygiene rules.
Development Objective :
To reduce the effects of climate change on the most vulnerable populations in a sustainable way
Expected Outcomes:
- Agricultural production and productivity are improved through agricultural practices that respect the climate and water.
- Access to basic social services is improved
The target group is made up of small farmers working in targeted sectors (rice, maize, tomatoes, onions, poultry, etc.), their organisations and their umbrella organisations. It also includes people benefiting from boreholes and family latrines, as well as water users’ associations and hygiene committees. The project will reach around 9,525 people through the entire technological package to be rolled out in the two intervention sectors. During implementation, the same person is likely to receive support 2 or even 3 times. In this way, we estimate that there will be more than 3,000 direct beneficiaries.
Our Funding Needs
The total budget is set at € 1 820 000 million for the period 2024 to 2028.
Funding Sources:
- Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs, Defence, Development Cooperation, and Foreign Trade:80%
- Beneficiaries: 1.5%
- CPS Through Donations: 18.5%
Your donation is crucial to covering the remaining 18.5% of the project cost, enabling us to bridge the funding gap and ensure the successful implementation of this vital initiative.
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We understand the importance of trust in charitable giving. That’s why CPS is committed to maintaining full transparency with our donors. We provide detailed financial reports, project updates, and impact stories so you can see exactly how your donations are making a difference.
Local Partner Organisation
Organisation catholique pour le développement et la solidarité (OCADES) Bobo Dioulasso
Province of Houet