Projet d’adaptation de la production agricole au changement climatique en utilisant l’énergie renouvelable
Four villages in Ténado municipality, Sanguié province, region of Centre-Ouest
Association Centre Ecologique Albert Schweitzer du Burkina Faso.
Rain-fed agriculture employs almost 95% of the active population of the municipality. Cereals are the dominant food crops. The population has pointed out the connection between decreasing yields and climate change.
The beneficiaires have adapted their agricultural production to climate change through irrigated vegetable production by using agro-écological methods and renewable energies
The direct beneficiaries are the 200 supported vegetable producers and their families, so about 1 200 people.
In addition, the project will also benefit to the population of the 4 target villages (22 402 people), the municipality of Ténado and the surrounding large urban centers.
The total budget is set at € 500 000 for the period 2020 to 2024, so € 100 000 per year.
The project is funded up to 100% by the Ministry of the Environment, Climate and Biodiversity.